Modern Wellness Talismans for Everyday Rituals

Matilde Mozzanega crafts wellness jewellery, with an intuitive approach towards chromo-therapy and crystal-therapy, creating talismanic protection for individuals seeking to amplify their self-care journey.
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Matilde is fascinated by the power of jewellery as a wellness and healing source within our day-to-day life as a modern take on the ancient tradition of jewellery as talismans.
The inspiration for her work came from her teaching experience, as well as from the social media movement #postyourpill and the rising of mental health issues amongst people and especially young adults in the past 2-3 years. Her work would like to be a constant reminder of the sacred importance daily rituals have for our mental health and wellbeing.

A jewellery collection designed as a personal remedy and wellness practice, CHROMO-DOPE offers the clean and clinical aesthetics of cosmetic packaging and pills, paired with fine British and Italian craftsmanship and unexpected materials.
CHROMO-DOPE is Matilde’s debut jewellery collection, a portfolio that embodies the precious affiliation jewellery has maintained with wellness, healing and self-care through the ages.